『芒種』(ぼうしゅ) 末候、梅子黄(うめのみ きなり)

Kinari Umeko

Hello everyone.

The rainy season has begun, and there are big changes in temperature every day, but how are you all doing? It's a time when it's easy to get sick, so please take care of yourself.

By the way, from today, the seventy-two seasons have changed to Umenomi Kinari, the last season of "Mangshu".

Umenomi Kinari refers to the time when the taste of plums ripens and changes color.
It is said that the etymology of tsuyu (rainy season) is ``rain when plums ripen''.
When the plum is whole, it bears fruit and begins to ripen. And in stores, green plums and yellow plums that gradually change color will appear.

ripe plum

There is an old saying that ``Ume is the refuge of the day.

The great thing about plums is that while they are not often eaten raw, they can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, both before they are ripe and then when they are fully ripe enough to fall off the tree.

Unripe plums are ideal for making plum wine, ripe yellow plums for pickled plums, and fully ripe plums for stewed plum jam.

Plum wine

Although we have just entered the rainy season, we often hear the words “hot” and “severe heat”.
Summer is about to start, but I want to be careful not to get sick due to heat stroke or summer fatigue.
As the proverb says, "Kakuran," even people who are usually strong and hardy are no match for the heat of summer. This "disturbance" is the name of a disease in oriental medicine, and it seems to indicate symptoms like sunstroke.

I want to get enough water and nutrition, get enough sleep, borrow "plum power" so that I don't carry fatigue over to the next day, and drink "Amazake" as an IV drip. .

In addition, in the letter that is attached when giving a gift casually, caring for the body of the important person, we put the seasonal word "tsuyu" and "plum fruit" on it, saying "the sun peeking through the heavy clouds. Thanks to the light, the plums have started to change color."

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